Not A Drop [Second Edition 2010]

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Labels: environment, people power, politics, water policy
Protecting the Clarence River and its tributaries.
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Labels: environment, people power, politics, water policy
Xenophon appears to believe that the total volume of additional annual environmental flow (which the Murray Darling Basin Authority has identified as being required to stop the Basin rivers and wetlands irreversibly failing) can be found through interbasin water transfer.
Brokenshire envisions water diversion on a similar scale to the Snowy Mountains Scheme which ruined the iconic Snowy River.
Both men clearly have the Clarence River in their sights.
Senator Xenophon mentions a water volume of 4,000 GL/year as the diversion level required to ‘save’ the Murray Darling Basin:
Now 4,000 gigalitres is 4,000,000 megalitres – so at first glance Xenophon is either supporting future zero flow in the Clarence River and its inevitable death or he has more than one coastal catchment in mind.
So how many rivers would Senator Xenophon like to lay waste in order to satisfy the greed of Murray Darling Basin irrigators?
Labels: water policy politics
In Adelaide Now… online 21 October 2010:
"I had a meeting on Tuesday with Tony Windsor to discuss the scheme and I know the idea that more water could be put into the Murray Darling Basin is back on the radar in Canberra," Senator Xenophon said.
Labels: water policy politics
Labels: water policy politics
Labels: politics, water policy politics
Labels: Murray Darling Association, politics, water policy, water policy politics
Labels: climate change, environment, water policy politics