Sunday, 30 September 2007

A word in your ear, cobber

The Australian Federal Election 2007 may be called at any time now. If you are an Australian living, working or travelling overseas, I ask you to consider the following.

This is a photograph of the Clarence River on the NSW North Coast. An estimated 113,000 people rely on the health and productivity of this river.

Because the Howard Government has spent the last eleven years marking time instead of tackling climate change and water security head on, this river is now at risk.

If you vote for the Liberal Party, Country Liberal Party, Nationals or Family First, you will be voting to allow John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull to rob this river of its vital freshwater flows to compensate for their past inaction with regard to water scarcity in the Murray Darling Basin and south-east Queensland.

Please remember the Clarence River when you cast your vote.

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Clarence River dolphins

"Bottle-nosed dolphins regularly use the shallows of the Clarence estuary. Mothers may seek out the shallower water for extra protection from predators for their young calf," she said.
"It is also quite possible that the fishing is currently better in the these areas and the mother was teaching her baby the skills it needs to survive.
"Estuaries, such as the Clarence, form an important home range for bottle-nosed dolphins. [National Parks and Wildlife Service,media release,11 October 2004]
It is not unusual for Clarence Valley residents to catch sight of travelling/feeding pods containing between thirty to forty dolphins.
Out on the river one sometimes sees a dolphin break away from the pod to travel close to a small boat, so as to get a good look at the occupants and, ferry river crossings between Yamba and Iluka often have a dolphin escort as it comes in close to surf the bow wave.
Dolphin population numbers in the river are linked to water quality, river health and fish stocks.
[Image displayed at,30 September 2007]

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What the Clarence Valley is fighting for (10)

[Image displayed at,23 April 2007]

View of a freshwater gorge in the Clarence River system.

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Friday, 28 September 2007

An encouraging sign for the Clarence River

The latest face-to-face Morgan Poll on Federal voting intentions for 22/23 September 2007 shows the ALP primary vote at 54 per cent with support for the Coalition at 36 per cent.
The ALP remains steadfast in its opposition to any Clarence water diversion scheme, while the Federal Coalition supports such a scheme.
The Greens who in this poll are showing voter support of 5.5 per cent also oppose a Clarence diversion.
Mumble political blog shows an equally encouraging graph.
[Graph displayed at,28 September 2007]

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Clarence prawn trawling season set to start

The Clarence River estuary 2007-2008 prawn trawling season starts on Tuesday 2 October.
"From an open access fishery some 30 years ago, able to operate 24 hours a day, in all parts of the river, all year round, we now have a tightly regulated limited entry fishery restricted to working the lower reaches on weekdays only, within a defined eight month season.
In addition to massive reductions in fishing effort as a result of these access controls an enormous amount of ecological improvement has also come from the development of some of the world's best practice least impact trawling is now becoming increasingly clear that ecological awareness coupled with generations of fishing experience have provided the Clarence Valley with a sustainable key local industry" [The Daily Examiner,Grafton,"Our Eco-friendly trawling season is set to start",p.13].

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Huge weekend of fishing coming up in the Clarence

Come to Yamba this weekend and fish for Tim the Bream's descendants. See the Clarence River while it is still untouched by the Howard-Turnbull push to rob its freshwater flows.

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Thursday, 27 September 2007

The voters are revolting!

[Graphic displayed at,27 September 2007]

In his most private moments John Howard may possibly think Australian voters are revolting, but I don't think he would mean it quite this way.
See a grassroots Climate Protection Bill seeking a parliamentary sponsor:

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Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Get the picture yet, John?

It is hard to argue against the proposition that the current prolonged national drought is impacted by increased variability due in part to climate change and, that the political, economic and social pressures flowing from this drought are the principal cause for the push to divert Clarence River catchment freshwater.
It is also painfully obvious that the Howard Government is not yet capable of understanding the serious consequences of this change and, still looks to 19th century solutions in its limited response to date.

The following is a Lowy Institute conservative perspective:
"In this Lowy Paper we argue that there is no longer much doubt that the world is facing a prolonged period of planetary warming, largely fuelled by modern lifestyles, which is unprecedented in human history in terms of its magnitude and probable environmental consequences.
With a few notable exceptions, even sceptics now seem prepared to accept the validity of the basic science underpinning climate change forecasts....................................
The central problem is the rate at which temperatures are increasing rather than the absolute size of differential warming. Spread over several centuries, or a millennium, temperature rises of several degrees could probably be managed without political instability or major threats to commerce, agriculture and infrastructure. Compressed within the space of a single century, global warming will present far more daunting challenges of human and biological adaptation, especially for natural ecosystems which typically evolve over hundreds of thousands and millions of years..............
We still don't know enough about the regional and national consequences of climate change because accurate predictions become more difficult at the sub-system level since there are many more factors to consider.
Nevertheless, the IPCC has identified five likely climate outcomes for Asia and the Pacific:
• more intense summer monsoons, increasing the degree and frequency of destructive floods and soil erosion;
• sea-level rises which will submerge low-lying coastal plains and river deltas, placing at risk already endangered coastal ecosystems;
• changes in precipitation, which could alter river flows and affect hydro-electric power;
• decreasing fresh water availability resulting from higher rates of evaporation and salinisation;
• greater uncertainty associated with water management and supply.
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has used a number of different models to project the likely consequences for Australia, drawing on the organisation's own research and that of the IPCC. By 2030, relative to 1990 conditions, the CSIRO anticipates:
• a warming of 0.4–2.0C, the temperature effects being least near the coast and greatest inland;
• a 10–50% increase in days over 35C;
• a 10–80% decrease in days below 0C;
• up to 15% less rainfall year-round in the south-east and in spring in Queensland;
• up to 20% less rainfall year-round in the south-west;
• up to 15% more summer rainfall on the east coast;
• up to 15% more autumn rainfall inland;
• heavier rainfall where average rainfall increases, or decreases slightly;
• stronger tropical cyclones, but uncertain changes in frequency and location."[Lowy Institute for International Policy,Paper12,"heating up the planet",June 2006,p.p.vii & 16]

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What the Clarence Valley is fighting for (9)

[Images displayed at &,26 September 2007]
Storms over the Clarence River.

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Tuesday, 25 September 2007

NSW Coastal Conference November 2007 to be held on the Clarence Coast

Australian Federal Police Commissioner enters climate change debate - heads in the sand once more

The Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, enters the climate change debate with a warning that climate change elsewhere will have border security implications for Australia.
As usual, in John Howard's Australia, little sustained thought has yet been given to potential homegrown environmental refugees who may be made homeless by the loss of land, decreasing fresh water resources, extinguished property value/financial security due to saltwater intrusion into aquifers/rivers, seawater inundation of low lying lands, coastal erosion and/or violent weather events.
The Clarence Valley and some other coastal areas are identified as potentially being in the climate change firing line and, climate change appears to be occurring at a faster rate than originally predicted. 
Yet after eleven long years the Howard Government is still to complete and publish a specific detailed report on this issue to guide local residents, only recently ordering GeoScience Australia and the Australian Greenhouse Office to commission a study on Australian coastlines [,"Researchers identifying areas vulnerable to rising sea levels",16 August 2007]. 
Mick Keelty will have more to worry about than national border security, if local coastal communities have to move inland en masse without any real forward planning in place.
Instead of whipping up a version of 'stranger danger' Mr. Keelty would make better use of his grey matter if he considered how the Australian Federal Police could assist in large-scale local evacuations should the need arise.

Link to a NSW coastline map showing 1m sea level rise:

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Monday, 24 September 2007

John Howard - too little, too late on climate change

Is it any wonder that the latest Galaxy poll has 49 per cent of respondents agreeing with the statement that John Howard is "out of touch and driven by self interest" [,"More bad poll news for Coalition",24 September 2007].
See links for Mr. Howard's latest fudge on climate change, which only half promises a 15 per cent green energy target to begin no later than 2010, relies in part on unproven clean coal technology and is dependant on legislation which hasn't been created yet:

The Australian Labor Party and Kevin Rudd remain committed to "ratify the Kyoto Protocol, introduce an emission trading scheme, set a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent by 2050 and substantially increase investment in renewable energy, like solar and wind." and "A national target to recycle 30% of wastewater by 2015" [].

With some large scale 'greenfield' urban development in the Clarence Valley already being reconsidered in light of climate change predictions, John Howard is indeed doing too little, too late.

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Janelle Saffin supports the Clarence Valley

[Image displayed at,24 September 2007]

Janelle Saffin is the Labor candidate for Page in the forthcoming Federal Election 2007.
Ms. Saffin fully supports the Clarence Valley's opposition to any additional water diversion from the Clarence River catchment area and, in this she has the full backing of the Australian Labor Party.
This is in marked contrast to the Nationals candidate for Page, Chris Gulaptis, whose Federal colleagues are supporting Clarence water diversion proposals.

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Saturday, 22 September 2007

Clarence Valley, climate change and saltwater inundation

[Graphic displayed in The Daily Examiner,Grafton,16 February 2007]

This is one scenario for predicted saltwater inundation of the lower Clarence River estuary.
The white areas denote remaining dry land, the light grey areas denote inundated land and the darker grey areas denotes existing ocean and estuary waterways.
The towns of Maclean, Yamba, Iluka, numerous small villages and agricultural lands are significantly affected.
For eleven long years the Howard Government has either ignored or discounted the potential for climate change to create environmental refugees along the east coast of Australia.
Sometime in the next 100 years as many as 20,000 people in the Lower Clarence may have to begin a staged withdrawal inland due to saltwater intrusion, inundation, coastal erosion and storm surge damage.
Messrs. Howard and Turnbull happily support robbing the Clarence River of vital freshwater flows, but continue to do little to address potential inundation issues.
One has to ask - can the Clarence Valley and Australia afford to indulge the Howard Government with another term in office?
See "Nova Science in the News" link for brief overview:

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Friday, 21 September 2007

Note from John Howard to self - fascist stew

How to make election year fascist stew: first catch your dissident, skin and dice, then fillet bloggers, add to deep pot.
See link for article on Internet web site censorship bill:,24897,22451522-15306,00.html

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Howard and infantile behaviour?

[Image displayed at,18 September 2007]

John Howard allegedly giving Kevin Rudd the finger during Question Time in the House of Representatives.


Rumour hath it............(9)

Rumour says that Alexandrina Council and other Lower Murray council members of the Murray Darling Association stepped back from their original intention to call for the progression of a Clarence River water diversion scheme and, that a much broader resolution was placed before the Association's 2007 conference in Bourke this month.
Apparently this broad resolution only called for the Murray Darling Association to monitor any inland water diversion schemes involving coastal rivers and report back to members.
Rumour further has it that Malcolm Turnbull is yet to reply to the Association's pre-conference letter asking him if he had a view on Clarence water diversion.
The NSW Water Minister, Phil Koperberg, is said to responded to a similar letter with a statement to the effect that water diversion from the Clarence River would not be considered.
It seems that some, but not all, members of the Murray Darling Association are beginning to realise that coastal river systems are as highly variable and fragile as inland systems and are looking to negative impacts on the Snowy River as an example. 

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Tuesday, 18 September 2007

The Howard Years - a reprise on lies and liars

Due to a continuing dissonance between pre-election attempts by the Federal Minister for Environment and Water Resources to hose down the issue of Clarence River catchment water diversion and the content of departmental letters still trickling through to North Coast residents, the following observation appears to be just as valid now as it was in the first half of last year.
"Gold medal liars
After observing the Coalition Federal Government since 1996 and reading or listening to a great many of its political statements, the following is my sincere opinion.
This Federal Government lies.
It tells small, medium and large lies. It tells whopper, gob-stopping lies. It even tells lies about telling lies.
It lies on the floor of Parliament, it lies in the media, it lies to the Australian people and, it lies to other sovereign nations.
Of all the federal governments installed since I reached my majority, this Federal Government publicly lies the most frequently and consistently.
If there was a Commonwealth Games event for liars, then the current Federal Government would win gold, silver and bronze.
[The Daily Examiner,Grafton,letters to the editor,23 March 2006,p.6]

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Monday, 17 September 2007

Memo to John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull

[Image displayed at,29 June 2007]

This is a photo of the Clarence River in the Tabulam area where the riverbed is relatively shallow.

The Clarence River at Tabulam has stopped flowing [ABC Radio,North Coast,Steve Simons,weather segment,17 September 2007].

Get the picture yet - or is Canberra just too far away for the Clarence Valley's considered opposition to any water diversion scheme to make a difference to your support for blatant water theft.

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Saturday, 15 September 2007

What the Clarence Valley is fighting for (8)

Surfing the wake of a fishing trawler on the Clarence River.
[Image displayed at,7 July 2007]

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Calling all voters in the Bennelong electorate


To any Bennelong voters reading this post.

John Howard wants you - but do you want him?
When you go to the polls come election day, please remember that a vote for John Winston Howard is also a vote to rob the NSW Northern Rivers and, the Clarence Valley in particular, of vital freshwater which secures the environmental, economic, social and cultural values of the Clarence River system and the communities who depend on this coastal river.
The Clarence Valley Council has said no to the Howard-Turnbull push. Likewise the Clarence River Professional Fishermen's Association and local environmental groups.
The NSW Government has firmly rejected the Clarence water diversion proposals or any northern NSW interstate water transfer. It knows our local fishing and tourism industries reliably contribute to the State economy.
But still an arrogant and ill-informed Howard Government continues on with the creation of terms of reference for the great water heist.
Don't let John Howard steal our fresh water!

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Friday, 14 September 2007

New Queensland Premier Bligh eyes off Clarence water

Now Peter Beattie has retired it appears that Queensland is once more quite willing to be a party to the attempted theft of Clarence River catchment fresh water.
New Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh, is quoted a saying that: "she would support the idea of a dam on the Clarence if the Federal Government decided to pipeline water to South East Queensland, but Premier Bligh said she didn't believe it would ever happen." [The Daily Examiner,Grafton,editorial,"Water high on Bligh's agenda",14 September 2007,p.8].
One has to wonder why Premier Bligh would bother to utter this support for the Howard-Turnbull water raid if she really felt it wouldn't happen. It seems this brand-new premier is indulging in a few weasel words herself.
Federal and NSW Labor continue as the only parliamentary parties which are prepared to fully back the Clarence Valley's stand against this attempt to rob it of its environmental, economic, social and cultural future.
It is looking more and more as though Kevin '07 is our only hope of certainty with regard to local catchment water security.

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Thursday, 13 September 2007

John Howard, the pseudo PM

On the ABC's "7.30 Report" on 12 September 2007 John Howard stated that if re-elected he would not serve out the full term as Prime Minister and may also resign as the Member for Bennelong.

With current and future water security being such a vital issue in Australia today, this is an admission that he intends to continue to make water policy decisions and then cut and run.

It should be remembered that this is the same John Howard who backs the continued existence of that giant water hoarder, the Cubbie Group and, reportedly gave the nod for the auctioning of an additional 8,000 megalitres of Warrego River water flow in the face of CSIRO warnings regarding the potential impact of climate change on this river.

The Clarence Valley will not fare well if John Howard remains Prime Minister without any real electoral accountability to rein in his worst excesses. His push to steal Clarence River catchment freshwater will likely intensify.

Though just how much weight the Valley should give to his retirement statement is open to debate, given that Janette Howard has admitted that: "John wasn't into making firm commitments"
[,"Costello v Howard: the rift reopens",18 July 2007].

What is clear is that John Howard expects Australian voters to re-elect him so that he can retire sometime in the next few years, not on the basis of age, ill-health or family obligations, but because he has reached a personal, vainglorious milestone by becoming Australia's longest consecutive serving prime minister and can therefore quit.

This desire to enter the history books is a poor excuse for continuing as PM. It appears that the man does not even intend to honour a simple contract with his electorate if returned at the polls.

See link for one perspective on John Howard, retirement and Janette Howard's role:,21985,22408884-36281,00.html

UPDATE:After receiving a beating in the media and online, on 15 September 2007 John Howard announced that he will be serving a full term as the Member for Bennelong if re-elected.

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Tuesday, 11 September 2007

He said, she said (4)

He said:
'"I don't feel tired."
He said the public was not angry with him like they had been with former prime minister Paul Keating in 1996.
"I think they are wanting a different song from us. I think they're wanting us to talk more about the future," Mr Howard said.' [John Howard in,"PM says family told him to go on",10 September 2007].

She said:
Mr. Howard may not feel tired or think that the public is not angry with him, however the Internet and print media tell a different story.
In the Clarence Valley many residents appear to be angry with him for other reasons besides his attempt to steal fresh water resources.
Local letters to the editor still take him to task over the never-ever GST, SIEV-X, Children Overboard, lack of ministerial responsibility, Truth Overboard, cost-shifting to the States, Saddam's supposed WMDs, the war in Iraq, AWB bribery scandal, new sedition laws, loss of civil liberties, Work Choices, rising interest rates, NT intervention with suspension of native title applications and that land grab, weakened quarantine regulations, unequal free trade agreements, inaction on climate change, nuclear power proposals, APEC security overkill, as well as overspending on both Federal Government advertising and his own prime ministerial lifestyle.
But most of all - many of the letters allude to the Howard Government's reputation for telling lies. Big lies and little lies, lies to Parliament and lies in the media, lies to escape scrutiny or lies to avoid scandal and, lies to win an election.
A significant number of the Howard jokes doing the rounds in the Valley have a hook referring to his demise or imminent demise. Indeed, one rumour circulates that some are putting a naked flame to his photo in the hope he comes down with a high fever, while others are freezing his image in the ice cube tray hoping that he will catch a bad chill.
I have never heard of this with any other Australian Prime Minister. Nor have I heard of a prime minister with so many derogatory nicknames - Prime Minature, Slime Minister, King Rat, Ratty, Bush's A**ehole, Bonsai Howard, Mein Herr, Jackboot Johnny - the list goes on.
Angry, Mr. Howard? I rather think that maybe more than one or two people are.

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How Europe and Australia view Howard's APEC folly (2)

John Howard, comedian

John Howard speaks to the ABC's "7.30 Report" and attempts to spin the polls:
"But look, in the end it is about the future of the country and it's about what I can offer and whether I'm 68 or 48, that's immaterial - it's what I have to offer. The energy, the ideas and the enthusiasm."
This is from the same man whose 'ideas' and 'enthusiasm' see him attempting to rob the Clarence River of its vital freshwater flows.
What a comedian!
See full transcript:

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Monday, 10 September 2007

The Big Switch - rating your Federal MP on climate change

See link to rate your local MP's performance on climate change issues.
As expected MPs whose electorates cover the Clarence Valley rate 0 out of 5.

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Sunday, 9 September 2007

How Europe and Australia view Howard's APEC folly

One can almost hear the derisive laughter in the background as John Howard feebly tries to justify his political failures during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum meetings.
A range of views on the APEC 2007 "Sydney Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development".
Heavy-handed police tactics encouraged by John Howard's media statements in the lead up to APEC.
John Howard on the Sydney Declaration:
Proudly displaying the fact that "the Emperor has no clothes".

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Saturday, 8 September 2007

Howard Government begins to nationalise Australian water resources

The Howard Government commences it incremental plan to nationalise Australian water resources and, instructs the High Court as to how it may interpret the Australian Constitution if considering actions under the new C'wealth Water Act 2007.
Meanwhile, in a related matter John Howard continues to support overallocation of Queensland water and Malcolm Turnbull again belatedly tries to redeem himself.

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NSW Northern Rivers and climate change

The CSIRO outlines probability of increased average temperature, drier catchments, decreased river flows, increased salinity and more droughts per decade in the NSW Northern Rivers region, including potential impacts on Clarence River system.
For further NSW climate change information.

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Friday, 7 September 2007

What the Clarence Valley is fighting for (7)

View from the back of a Clarence River ferry as it takes Australian and international tourists around the saltwater estuary. [Photo by ardent]
The marine ecology of this coastal estuary is dependant on freshwater flows from the wider Clarence River catchment.
The estuary is also a feature of Clarence Valley tourism which is a vital segment of the local economy.

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Thursday, 6 September 2007

Chris Gulaptis, a Nationals' Janus face?

Chris Gulaptis, Nationals candidate for Page, currently works as a "consultant" for LandPartners [].
Coincidentally LandPartners now lists an office in the same Clarence Valley town where Mr. Gulaptis lives.
LandPartners boasts that it has been involved with the Burnett Dam construction since inception.
What price this candidate's supposed commitment to no dam on the Clarence River, if LandPartners were to show an interest in being part of such a dam project.

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John Howard blues - Clarence Valley sings along

"John Howard blues
 Oh man I got dem John Howard blues
 Right down to the very soles of my shoes
 Oh Lordy I got dem John Howard blues
 Drivin' me down to hammer the booze
 Says he wants to dam the Big River
 Sendin' water to people over the range
 'Nuf to make a grown man shiver
 Leavin' us all to shoulder the pain
 Think I'm feelin' a pain in my liver
 The Clarence will end up a filthy stinkin' drain
 Oh man I got dem John Howard blues
 I really don't agree with his views
 Oh Lordy I got dem John Howard blues
 And I'm tellin' y'all that's the news
 Been workin' in the mill stackin' the wood
 Boss man says he's cutting my pay
 Man from the guv'ment said that he could
 Makin' it real hard to pay my own way
 Li'l Johnny says 'it all do you good'
 But nuthin' for me 'cept learnin' how to pray
 Oh man I got dem John Howard blues
 Spendin' time sitting on the pews
 Oh Lordy I got dem John Howard blues
 Right down to the holes in my shoes
 Down in the shed I got a V8 Edsel
 Picked it up for no money down
 Trouble is I just can't afford the petrol
 When ma sweet li'l Suzie wants to cruise town
 Ain't doin' a thing for the lead in my pencil
 Looks like I'm back to drivin' the Crown
 Oh man I got dem John Howard blues
 Just wish he'd go to take a cruise
 Oh Lordy I got dem John Howard blues
 Election soon I just hope that he'll lose
 Johnny's now talkin' 'bout things atomic
 But he ain't sayin' where he'll put all the plants
 I think he's now gone completely catatonic
 And Chris yells out 'it'll cost me my pants'
 But I'm tellin' ya'll all if those things go drastic
 We'll be gettin' 'round' like little mu-tants
 Oh man I got dem John Howard blues
 How come we've all turned chartruse
 Oh Lordy I got dem ol' John Howard blues
 I think that he's now finally blown his fuse.
Simon Harmon
[The Daily Examiner,Grafton,letters to the editor,
6 September 2007,p.p. 8  & 11]

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Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Turnbull set straight on Clarence water flows

Last week Clarence Valley conservationists met with Malcolm Turnbull, Federal Minister for Environment and Water Resources.
John Edwards, representing the Clarence Environment Centre and North Coast Environment Council, along with Leonie Blain, representing the Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition and National Parks Association, presented the minister with a detailed submission opposing damming the Clarence River or its main tributary the Mann River.
The pair "challenged the minister on why outdated water flow data was included in the SMEC report, and why the effects of climate change had not been taken into account in its preparation."
[The Daily Examiner,Grafton,"Turnbull set straight on water flows",5 August 2007,p.5]
Mr. Turnbull was told that opposition to damming the river system was based on "environmental concerns and its potential impacts on primary industries". [ibid]
The same water diversion issue has seen an independent documentary commenced by local photographer Lyn Hope [The Daily Examiner,Grafton,"Dam plan prompts doco",5 August 2007,p.4]
Ms. Hope says she was "so incensed with the possibility that the Clarence might be dammed that she brought herself a digital camera and is most of the way through producing her first documentary." [ibid]

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Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Oi, mate!

It is now only one to three months until the Federal Election.
If you are an Australian living, working or holidaying overseas, please remember that a vote for the Liberal Party, Country Liberal Party, Nationals or Family First is a vote that will place the NSW Clarence Valley's economic, environmental, social and cultural future at risk.
John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull have not abandoned their support for damming and diverting water from the Clarence River system, despite informed local opposition to such a potentially destructive and uneconomic scheme.

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Monday, 3 September 2007

Rumour hath it............(8)

Rumour is whispering that Malcolm Turnbull is turning into an all singing, all dancing Minister for Environment and Water Resources, in an effort to improve his tarnished image before polling day.
It appears that he is now privately admitting that dams and pipelines are a knee jerk reaction to providing water security for south-east Queensland.
Part of his soft shoe shuffle and patter is also said to include the continuing refrain that he is misunderstood.
It seems that Mr. Turnbull might think that being John Howard's glove puppet is not all it is cracked up to be - now that public opinion is showing him that money may buy Liberal Party pre-selection nomination but it can't buy political credibility.

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Howard accused of hijacking APEC for base political ends

Another unforgiving perspective on John Howard's erratic response to unfavourable polls and public criticism.,21985,22349727-5000117,00.html

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Howard Facts - an election year perspective

New site addressing the Labor perspective on the Howard years.
Should be an interesting site to watch once the Federal election date is announced.

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